Is there a skill you rely on that you don't realize is actually hurting you?

I’m 6’ tall, so my legs are pretty long. For many years I banked on the fact that my go-go gadget legs could shave off a few minutes from my walking commute to the subway entrance.

Could they? Yea. Usually.

Would it feel good?


I’d get to the subway out of breath, tired from walk-running with my violin, music stand, gig clothes and iPad all on my shoulders.

I felt I never had enough time. I couldn’t seem to fit it all in. And I’d look to every corner of my life to squeeze out a few minutes everywhere I could.

I’d get to the end of every day feeling like I hadn’t accomplished enough.

Was this just the life of a musician in NYC?

Even though I have the “advantage” of long legs, I don’t want to live a life where I constantly have to be in a rush - or calling up on that advantage.

We all have super powers that are awesome to use when we really need them (like the ability to learn a piece in a single day)...but overusing them, or relying on them regularly, is super draining and not in service of our overall well-being.

Just because we can do something, doesn’t mean we should all the time.

What is a super power that you over use?