Don't make a New Year's resolution. Do this instead.

Don’t make a New Year’s resolution.

Yes, you read that right.

We’ve all had them.

In the new year, I’m going to go to the gym 3x a week!

In the new year, I’m going to start keeping track of all my finances!

In the new year, I’m going to start going to bed before midnight!

But come March or April these resolutions are a distant memory…

Sound familiar?

In reality, research concludes that less than 10% of New Year’s resolutions actually stick.

Why is that?

Well, what is a resolution? It's adopting a new habit. You look at this time of year as a time to improve your life, change something that’s not working and become a new “you”.

Is the intention good? Sure! I’m all about self-improvement. But changing habits is hard, especially if they stray far away from your current behavior.

Think about it…For your New Year’s resolution, you decide you want to work out more and go to the gym 3x a week! Wohoo! What a great year this is going to be!

BUT, until now, you haven’t even had a gym membership, so this lifestyle change is pretty big…

...and midway through January, you’re going twice a week…

...and in February, once a week and in March….

So, what can you do instead?

Well, what if you could improve your life by simply doing more of the things you ALREADY do?

Sound too easy to be true? Hear me out.

As humans, we are programmed to focus on what’s not working and rarely give ourselves time to actually notice what IS working.

There’s a lot of power in reinforcing your good habits which help you build confidence and momentum to create and do the things that you want.

Notice what’s working and then make it a priority to do more of THAT.

And this doesn’t necessarily mean you should ignore things that aren’t working. But by doing what you know works, you give yourself fuel to be in the best place to tackle the harder changes you want to make.

So, what’s working in YOUR life? I’d love to hear from you!

Sarah Whitney